[B]1.8.0:[/B] - Kodi 18 Leia update - streams from archive was stuttering due ffmpeg bug, solved with InputStream Adaptive [B]1.0.8:[/B] - ??? [B]1.0.7:[/B] - added all live streams - default quality option is set back to always ask [B]1.0.6:[/B] - fix alphabet range to include shows starting with Z/z, thanks to @pokopt [B]1.0.5:[/B] - don't use dynamic streaming - added quality option - default quality is 480p for smooth playback [B]1.0.4:[/B] - fixed listing - fixed video resolving - removed top, new categories [B]1.0.3:[/B] - added date listing - added related videos listing to context menu [B]1.0.0:[/B] Initial version