[B]1.3.10[/B] - fix images [B]1.3.9[/B] - drop doublequotes from quality selection - fix joj archive [B]1.3.8[/B] - fix episodes listing (i.e. Za sklom 1.season) [B]1.3.7[/B] - fix video listing [B]1.3.6[/B] - fix subtitle parsing [B]1.3.5[/B] - fix listing, thanks to @petzah [B]1.3.4[/B] - fix live links [B]1.3.3[/B] - fix video resolving [B]1.3.2[/B] - fix video resolving, thanks to @petzah [B]1.3.0[/B] - fix listing shows with empty season/episode, thanks to @marki555 [B]1.2.9[/B] - fix joj live stream (2) [B]1.2.8[/B] - fix joj live stream - fix episodes listing (15 min kuchar) [B]1.2.7[/B] - re-add other webpages(plus, wau) + live streams [B]1.2.6[/B] - fixed after webpage redesign [B]1.2.5[/B] - clean up episodes listing of show 'ceskoslovensko ma talent' - and slovak language string fixes, thanks to @jose1711 [B]1.2.4[/B] - fixed cs-ma-talent video resolving, thanks to @jose1711 [B]1.2.3[/B] - fixed some series listing (Divoke kone) [B]1.2.2[/B] - fixed series listing [B]1.2.1[/B] - fixed live streams (thanks to Kuci) [B]1.2.0[/B] - fixed not working resolving (panelak, x-factor) - added "vsetky" subcategory - added "filmy" subcategory - simplified listing (vysielane/nevysielane put together) - shows for 7 day watching are now marked (7d) - nevysielane show are now marked (nevys) - removed live stream from listing (not working) [B]1.1.5:[/B] - fixed video resolving [B]1.1.4:[/B] - fixed video resolving [B]1.1.3:[/B] - Add live streams (thanks to Kuci) [B]1.1.0:[/B] Added Senzi.sk [B]1.0.0:[/B] Initial version